Suicide Squad is an American superhero movie released in the year 2016. The film was about a secretive government agency that recruits supervillains to execute missions and save the world. The debut film set a new record on the box office making it to the tenth highest-grossing film of 2016. The film won several awards including an Oscar, which is a big achievement.
Season 2 ‘The Suicide Squad’ is all set to arrive anytime soon in 2021 as confirmed by Warner Bros. The fans of the show are eagerly waiting for the sequel as the first season became quite popular amongst the audience. The director of the film, James Gunn took the inspiration from the suicide squad comics from the 1980s to introduce new characters. His least focus is to continue the narrative from the 2016 film. Characters like a female version of the Ratcatcher, Peacemaker, etc will be put more to focus as they were not a part of the season 1.
The soundtrack of ‘The Suicide Squad’ will be managed by John Murphy, making it Gunn’s first film without Tyler Bates.
The release of the second part is expected to be the biggest release of the year. Also, the shooting of the new season started in September 2019 but had to be put on hold due to the ongoing pandemic.
A Hollywood reporter reported that Smith wouldn’t be continuing his role as the Deadshot in the sequel due to the scheduling conflicts. Initially, it was decided that he’ll be replaced with Idris Elba as Deadshot. Now, sources say that a new character will be introduced in place of the Deadshot. Though the new character has not yet revealed, the team decided to discontinue Smith’s role in order to pay respect as he brought the character to life. Also, he’ll unable to return if any further sequels planned.
The rest of the cast of the show is likely to remain the same. Here is the list of the old cast: Peter Capaldi, Michael Rooker, Storm Reid, John Cena, Alice Braga, Nathan Fillion, Taika Waititi, Jennifer Holland, Julio Ruiz, David Dastmalchian, Sean Gunn, Juan Diego Botto, Mayling Ng, Joaquín Cosío, Flula Borg, Pete Davidson, Tinahe Kajese, Steve Agee and Daniela Melchior. There is no official announcement about the new cast, but some reports say that there are good chances of the introduction of new characters as well as the new cast.
There is no trailer out yet, but one is expecting to be out there by the end of this year.