“Tell me Why” is an adventure-based game that offers several puzzle games throughout the game. The game is quite straightforward, but as the player follows the story, it becomes tougher. It’s a story of twins “Tyler” and “Alyson” as they revive their old memories. While playing the game, players will come across Mary-Ann puzzles firstly. Since it is the first puzzle, it can confuse several players.
In every level of the game, puzzles are available. Once you enter Delos Crossing, you will encounter numerous puzzles. Many of the puzzles are related to the “Book of Goblins,” so if you want to solve the puzzles easily, you have to read the story to know what’s written inside. The door puzzle is a perfect fit to introduce the puzzle to players. However, compared to higher-level puzzles, the door puzzle is fairly easy.
The puzzle door has 3 dials with animal carving. To find the right sequence of the dial, you need to look into the “Book of Goblins” and more importantly, “The Princess’s Party.” While reading The Princess’s Party story, you’ll know that the Princess faced a challenge because of a couple of tricker fairies.
In the story of the Princess, she has to guess the person who gave her a gift. Among the three boxes, the first box shows the truth when ignited. The second sword contains a sword that defends its master on its own. The final box gives a small bag to the Princess that will offer her a few coins whenever she requires.
All these three presents are completely related to the animal in the puzzle. You need to read and understand the story carefully to know the right answer to solve the puzzle. Every gift in the story of the Princess is connected with a character’s behavior. It represents that the first one doesn’t want the Princess to go, the second is willing to protect her, and the third one is humble and generous.
In the Book of Goblins, you’ll see various animals that include pelicans, moose, and bear. When you understand the story and learn about the connection between the animals and those gifts, you have to arrange the animal dial. It might take a few attempts to unlock this because it all depends on the storyline. When you arrange the animals in order, Alyson and Tyler will get to see what Mary-Ann has covered behind.
Developers have detailed every character with a proper interaction process. While playing the game, players can understand the situation of every character by reading and or by hearing them talking. Tell Me Why is currently available in Xbox One and PC.