Keeping Faith is a thriller series that was created by Matthew Hall, that was initially released in 2017. While the second part of the show was released in 2019. The show is produced by Vox Pictures that was filmed in Welsh and English. The BBC show became one of the most popular and most-watched shows in Wales.
The cast of the show got appreciated for its acting and on-screen presence. Not only this, but the show set high standards in direction and story. After the first two successful seasons of ‘Keeping Faith,’ the fans are demanding to see another segment as the previous season ended along with a lot of questions in the viewer’s minds.
The show revolves around a lawyer named Faith and her husband Evan, who mysteriously disappeared after leaving for work one morning. Faith goes after the whole scene and tries to discover the happenings behind the same, shortening her maternity leave.
There is good and bad news for the dedicated fans of the show. The viewers will be glad to know that the show has officially been renewed for its third season. On the other hand, the third season will be the final segment, which means the audience will have to bid goodbye to their favorite thrill.
The representative of the BBC Wales confirmed the news about the third season coming up with an exciting plot. “Keeping Faith has become a popular series that received so much love from its audience,” he mentioned.
The production of the third season started in January 2020, but there is no confirmation regarding its completion. As many other shows and movies stopped its production due to safety reasons in the ongoing pandemic, there is a chance that ‘Keeping Faith’ stopped its production as well.
The release dates for the new season were set to be in October for the S4C channel while it was supposed to release in February 2021 on BBC. Keeping in mind the production activity it can affect the release dates and shift the same.
Another good news for the fans is that the lead cast is likely to return for the new season, including Eve Myles as Faith Howells, Bradley Freegard as Evan Howells, and Steve Baldini as Mark Lewis Jones. However, a new character will be introduced in the show played by Celia Imrie.
As the show was filmed in two languages, the show also recorded six original songs in the same languages. The songs were composed by singer-songwriter Amy Wadge. Not only this, but she also sang the English version of the songs, while Ela Hughes recorded in Welsh.
There is no trailer released for the new season, but one is expected to come out as soon as the production is completed. Also, the show is available to watch on Amazon, iTunes, and a few other streaming platforms.